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Interactive CPR


The goal of the project was to create and design a human-to-human interactive installation with an interesting user experience.



We had in mind that we wanted to create an education installation and we began by researching different areas of interest. Then we found a paper that was the base of our idea and it was about interactive CPR. We used sketching to come up with an idea of how the installation would look like. Then we started building a CPR-doll and wrote the code.



We created an educational interaction installation where the user got to rehearse the different steps of a life-saving process. A physical interactive CPR doll was created and the user received visual and auditory feedback on their performance. The main goal of the interaction we have created is to rehearse and memorize the different steps in CPR so that in a real-life situation you will know what to do and when, if a person has stopped breathing.


Design practices: Sketching

Software: C/C++, Processing (Java)

Hardware: Arduino (Sensors and Actuators)

Physical construction: Circuitry

Course: DM1588 Sensor Programming for Media Technology

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